Or shall I say, Miss A, Let Down Your Long Hair!
July 31, 2012
July 30, 2012
How To Know If You Married The Right Guy
Did you marry the right guy? How do you know?
I've only been married for five months but we dated for a total of seven years. From the first few months of dating, I knew we would end up getting married. I don't really know how I knew, I just did... Our first date was December 21, 2004. I questioned whether or not he was the right guy for me for a long time. When he asked me to marry him, I knew my answer was yes. We married February 4, 2011.
You know those butterflies that you supposedly only get to feel at the beginning of a relationship? That lustful, warm and fuzzy feeling making your special someone appear flawless and someone who could do no wrong? Well those feelings come back.
Sounds cliche but this is how I know I found the right guy. I'm writing about it now because I feel those butterflies now. I feel so passionately in love. They last for days or weeks and then they fade away again... only to come back in a month or several months later. The point is they do come back again and again. There are several other reasons I know he's the right guy for me too, (great personality, supports me, cares about me, good looks, smells good, etc) but those butterflies fluttering throughout my body are physical proof that I will be in love forever.
This does not mean our relationship is perfect. Of course we bicker constantly and have our fair share of issues, but in order to have a great relationship you need to have the worst parts too. It can be hard living with someone who annoys the hell out of you for long periods of time! ;) I don't know who bothers one another more though, him or me. In the end it all works out and I know that I love my husband very much. Without him, I would feel empty and lost. It's probably bad to give someone such power over you but like they say, it's all or nothing. <3
I've only been married for five months but we dated for a total of seven years. From the first few months of dating, I knew we would end up getting married. I don't really know how I knew, I just did... Our first date was December 21, 2004. I questioned whether or not he was the right guy for me for a long time. When he asked me to marry him, I knew my answer was yes. We married February 4, 2011.
You know those butterflies that you supposedly only get to feel at the beginning of a relationship? That lustful, warm and fuzzy feeling making your special someone appear flawless and someone who could do no wrong? Well those feelings come back.
You know you married the right guy because
you keep falling in love with him over and over again.
Sounds cliche but this is how I know I found the right guy. I'm writing about it now because I feel those butterflies now. I feel so passionately in love. They last for days or weeks and then they fade away again... only to come back in a month or several months later. The point is they do come back again and again. There are several other reasons I know he's the right guy for me too, (great personality, supports me, cares about me, good looks, smells good, etc) but those butterflies fluttering throughout my body are physical proof that I will be in love forever.
This does not mean our relationship is perfect. Of course we bicker constantly and have our fair share of issues, but in order to have a great relationship you need to have the worst parts too. It can be hard living with someone who annoys the hell out of you for long periods of time! ;) I don't know who bothers one another more though, him or me. In the end it all works out and I know that I love my husband very much. Without him, I would feel empty and lost. It's probably bad to give someone such power over you but like they say, it's all or nothing. <3
July 29, 2012
Pregnancy Turns to Miscarriage
Breaking News: I was pregnant and now I'm not.
(This is my third pregnancy and second miscarriage.)
I wrote several posts that I was going to share with everyone when it was time to tell the world about our pregnancy, but it looks like the time has come sooner than expected. I found out I was pregnant July 16, 2012 but only a week and half later, I miscarried.
Here are my hidden posts. They should clearly demonstrate the joys and sorrows of finding out that you are pregnant.
Monday, July 16, 2012: First Response Pregnancy Test Shows TWO LINES!
Did I mention I've been experiencing heart burn too? Like right now... Okay, BYE!
(This is my third pregnancy and second miscarriage.)
I wrote several posts that I was going to share with everyone when it was time to tell the world about our pregnancy, but it looks like the time has come sooner than expected. I found out I was pregnant July 16, 2012 but only a week and half later, I miscarried.
Here are my hidden posts. They should clearly demonstrate the joys and sorrows of finding out that you are pregnant.
Monday, July 16, 2012: First Response Pregnancy Test Shows TWO LINES!
Oh dear lord, the time has come once again! I am pregnant and in shock. I've known about this since the big whoopsie-daisy-fun-moment-of-bliss but my hubby has refused to believe it. I took the First Response (know 6 days before your missed period) pregnancy test four days ago and it was negative.
My hubby says, "I knew it'd be negative. YOU ARE NOT PREGNANT."
I told him, "It's too early to be accurate. I don't believe it." I've been feeling complete exhaustion mixed with insomnia at the same time. It's the same odd feeling that I had when I was pregnant with Miss A. I've been feeling light headed after I stand up, and that's an early pregnancy symptom due to lower blood pressure. I've had very slight but noticeable pain shoot through my breasts. And I've noticed having to go to the bathroom a lot, today specifically. LOTS OF SIGNS! Plus a 99.9% feeling that I was pregnant.
So I took the second pregnancy test from the First Response box today because I couldn't wait any longer. Today is the day I'm supposed to start my period. I'm on day 28 of my cycle. Ever since my miscarriage several years ago, I've always kept track of my period because I was extremely excited to have Miss A. Now it's just habit... and honestly I'm pretty excited about having a second baby.
I dipped the pregnancy dipstick in the cup (I didn't want to pee all over my hand like the first test I took!!) and ran out of the bathroom, all crazily. I smiled at Bill who was freaking out. He held my arms while I watched the clock tick for about 90 seconds. Then I ran back into the bathroom to find one dark line and a second faint pink line.
Bill's like, "Nuh uh! Let me see the box." I knew that the second line was usually fainter than the first "not-pregnant" line. I looked up comments and reviews online and everyone was stating how they received a second line that was faint too and that they either already had their baby or were far along in their pregnancy.
Crazy Times. I can't believe I am pregnant again. I looked up the due date for our second baby and he/she is expected March 26, 2013.
Unfortunately, I'm not supposed to get excited or happy/crazy about it until I'm much further along. If I have another miscarriage, I would be devastated AGAIN. That would be too much for me. So I'm going to TRY to not be excited... which is impossible. I will be posting everything in unpublished posts until we decide it's time to announce our pregnancy to the world. Once we announce our news, I will have probably dozens of real journal entries to post all at once! It will be mad crazy on my blog.
Anyways... I still have to go to the doctor's office to verify that I'm actually pregnant. Boy would that be a disappointment... or as Bill would say a relief, ONLY so I can find myself a full time job first though. ;)
Did I mention I've been experiencing heart burn too? Like right now... Okay, BYE!
Peace, Love, and Babies!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012: I'm a Fertile Woman
I have been pregnant three times. One miscarriage. One Miss A. One current surprise brewing. Each time was the result of ONE ACCIDENT. I kid you not. The Oh-So-Wonderful-Condiment that is supposed to work did not ONCE and BOOM. Three pregnancies.
I am blessed to have such great luck! Even though they were so called "accidents", I was very excited about the news. My first, unfortunate miscarriage only made me want to have another baby more. So then came my sweet Miss A, who was also an accident but one that I wanted so badly. And now I'm happily pregnant again! I wanted a second child to be close in age to Miss A. But after this baby, I need to get on the birth control pills because I don't trust those nasty condiments and my blazing fertility! I'm a fertile woman!
Thursday, July 19, 2012: Doctor says, YES I'm pregnant!
I went to the doctor yesterday and it is true! I'm pregnant... again!
I am still in shock and have to remind myself that I am pregnant again. It is very odd but still so so so exciting! I now have my prenatal vitamin prescription and my first appointment set up to see the obstetrician in about four weeks. How exciting!
I'm choosing a new doctor this time around. Last pregnancy, I had one or two main doctors with nine doctors who I believe were in a residency program. One of the nine doctors delivered my baby. Every doctor I met was extremely nice but this time, I want one doctor to care for me. I met most of the doctors during my prenatal care but by misfortune, I had not met the doctor who delivered my baby. I honestly can't even remember what the doctor looked like or her name. I think she was nice? I was in pain and yeah... don't remember much about her. So this time, it'd be nice to have a primary doctor with a small call group to work with.
Sooo YaY! I'm pregnant! I'm pregnant!
Did I already mention I hope it's a boy? I should not be jinxing this or it'll be a girl... which wouldn't be bad. Girls are cute too!
If it's a boy, my husband (Bill) says he wants to name our baby William... I DON'T THINK SO. I really hate it when parents name their kids after their first name. It is so confusing!! No offense to Bill's dad who is also Bill... or anyone else out there! It's just not for me, I guess. If I had been introduced to my husband as Billy, like his family calls him, then it would be less of a big deal.
Anyways, I think we have decided to keep the name a secret until our baby is born. We did this with Miss A and it was awesome. No one could judge the name or influence our decisions on the names we had chosen. We think we are going to find out the baby's sex before he/she is born like last time... but we could change our minds. We have awhile to make that decision!
Friday, July 20, 2012: Thirty Two Days Into My Pregnancy- Nausea
I've been telling myself that I'm not going to experience nausea during my pregnancy this time. I'm going to tell my body how it will respond to the adverse effects of pregnancy. It's NOT going to respond! There will be no adverse effects... No nausea.
Yeah, that didn't last long. Thirty two days into my pregnancy and I already almost threw up my dinner. We were eating a bacon, scrambled egg, cheese, onion, jalapeno breakfast burrito. Towards the end of my meal, I tossed the rest of the burrito on my plate, had a quick body shiver/spasm/freak out moment, chugged my milk, and focused on holding in the meal. Watching Bill & Miss A eat the rest of their dinner was not flying over so well... I had to get up. I ate a plum, which helped get the nasty flavor out of my mouth.
HELLO?? WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED? I. like. breakfast. burritos.
Food aversion? Or just sudden pregnancy nausea? It took me almost two hours to recover... Thank goodness I didn't throw up. That would be GROSS. If I think about the meal, (which I won't) the nausea will come back. Blahhh!
I'm going to assume it was the bacon... Or maybe it was the egg... Or a combination of it? *sigh*
Anyways, I'm still determined that was just a one time event. I'm not going to be nauseous this pregnancy. No, not me! Neverrrrrrrr!
Sunday, July 22, 2012: Hopping Back on that Emotional Roller Coaster
I am not looking forward to this hormonal, emotional roller coaster for the next eight months of pregnancy plus the year after. It is going to be a long, uncontrollable ride. I have huge mood swings when it comes to PMS and pregnancy. It is much worse during pregnancy though. I have already experienced two days of extreme anger, where I hated everything and everyone. Basically my normal minor complaints about this or that amplified X100 and I go over the edge. When I feel like this, I know I am being irrational but I can't help it. Everything inside hurts so bad emotionally.
Just because the feelings are hormonal, does not mean they are not real. They feel real. It hurts and I hate it. It is not fair that women become victims to their hormones. We experience feelings that are so real, yet they are only blamed on hormones and therefore discredited. Women's feelings appear fake. When men have feelings, it's blamed on the situation. They are not insulted because that is just what they are feeling. It's not fair.
Yesterday, I felt extremely depressed and sad with a little anger mixed in. I could have cried on command. I absolutely hate feeling like this. It sucks, especially when someone says "Oh, you are pregnant." in response to your emotional outbreak.
I'm happy to be pregnant, I just wish I didn't have to go through this emotional roller coaster again. I think the emotions are even worse after having the baby too. It took about ten, eleven months for my brain to be normal again after having Miss A. I wrote posts about having a Mom Brain that shows you what I mean. I finally feel that it is back to normal but since I am pregnant again, it's only falling back into the trap. :/
So it's looking like my emotions/mind/brain will be out of order until March 2014. (Dear Lord Help Us.)
Tuesday, July 24, 2012: My Sad List
Now that the initial excitement has worn off, I'm starting to realize the things I won't be able to do while I'm pregnant. And it sucks... Fortunately, (so far) I have only come up with a few things I can't do. Here's my sad list.
I can't...
Wednesday, July 25, 2012: Am I Having A Miscarriage? (again)
It would be my luck to be having a second miscarriage. I swear, if my entire family gets pregnant again (now that I might be miscarrying) LIKE LAST TIME, I will not be able to survive the loss.
Last night, I started to have light spotting which I know to be a normal occurrence during the first trimester due to implantation of the embryo. This morning I continued to have light spotting and then boom... lots of blood flow. There appears to be small blood clots mixed in too. I have been experiencing cramping too for the past four hours. To me, it feels like I am experiencing my second miscarriage. If it's anything like the first time, severe cramping will come in the next several hours.
I don't know how I feel about this quite yet. Oddly, I am kind of emotionless about it. I should have known because right before I found out I was pregnant again, I had three intense dreams about death.
So now you know my secret... I am very spiritual and into new age spiritual stuff. No insults please, I'm just telling you because I am just realizing that my three death dreams + my physical symptoms could mean I'm having a miscarriage again. Who knows though... I could always be wrong. As for now... I'm just going to watch TV to get this off my mind, while I wait to see if something else happens. I have a doctor's appointment Friday and I can ask. I am only 5 weeks and 1 day pregnant... so if it is a loss, I am thankful it is extremely early in the pregnancy. :/
These are my previous entries... which lead me to my updated one today, July 29, 2012.
I definitely miscarried the day after my last entry. I saw the physical evidence of it in the toilet, which is not only emotionally disturbing but devastating, disgusting, haunting, sad, and shocking as well. I saw a red clump which was leftover pregnancy tissue. It reminded me of my first miscarriage which was the second saddest life event next to losing my grandma. My first miscarriage was around seven or eight weeks into pregnancy. That one was more painful, physically and emotionally.
Now, I'm feeling nothing in regards to my miscarriage a few days ago. I guess I'm still in shock by how fast it came and went away. I think I am bottling up emotions because of the shock of it all. Bill was sad about it, just like the first time. The only difference was that after the first miscarriage he did not want to try again for another baby and I desperately wanted to try again right away. This time, he said we could try again soon but I don't really care to try until after our anniversary in February.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012: I'm a Fertile Woman
I have been pregnant three times. One miscarriage. One Miss A. One current surprise brewing. Each time was the result of ONE ACCIDENT. I kid you not. The Oh-So-Wonderful-Condiment that is supposed to work did not ONCE and BOOM. Three pregnancies.
I am blessed to have such great luck! Even though they were so called "accidents", I was very excited about the news. My first, unfortunate miscarriage only made me want to have another baby more. So then came my sweet Miss A, who was also an accident but one that I wanted so badly. And now I'm happily pregnant again! I wanted a second child to be close in age to Miss A. But after this baby, I need to get on the birth control pills because I don't trust those nasty condiments and my blazing fertility! I'm a fertile woman!
Thursday, July 19, 2012: Doctor says, YES I'm pregnant!
I went to the doctor yesterday and it is true! I'm pregnant... again!
I am still in shock and have to remind myself that I am pregnant again. It is very odd but still so so so exciting! I now have my prenatal vitamin prescription and my first appointment set up to see the obstetrician in about four weeks. How exciting!
I'm choosing a new doctor this time around. Last pregnancy, I had one or two main doctors with nine doctors who I believe were in a residency program. One of the nine doctors delivered my baby. Every doctor I met was extremely nice but this time, I want one doctor to care for me. I met most of the doctors during my prenatal care but by misfortune, I had not met the doctor who delivered my baby. I honestly can't even remember what the doctor looked like or her name. I think she was nice? I was in pain and yeah... don't remember much about her. So this time, it'd be nice to have a primary doctor with a small call group to work with.
Sooo YaY! I'm pregnant! I'm pregnant!
Did I already mention I hope it's a boy? I should not be jinxing this or it'll be a girl... which wouldn't be bad. Girls are cute too!
If it's a boy, my husband (Bill) says he wants to name our baby William... I DON'T THINK SO. I really hate it when parents name their kids after their first name. It is so confusing!! No offense to Bill's dad who is also Bill... or anyone else out there! It's just not for me, I guess. If I had been introduced to my husband as Billy, like his family calls him, then it would be less of a big deal.
Anyways, I think we have decided to keep the name a secret until our baby is born. We did this with Miss A and it was awesome. No one could judge the name or influence our decisions on the names we had chosen. We think we are going to find out the baby's sex before he/she is born like last time... but we could change our minds. We have awhile to make that decision!
Friday, July 20, 2012: Thirty Two Days Into My Pregnancy- Nausea
I've been telling myself that I'm not going to experience nausea during my pregnancy this time. I'm going to tell my body how it will respond to the adverse effects of pregnancy. It's NOT going to respond! There will be no adverse effects... No nausea.
Yeah, that didn't last long. Thirty two days into my pregnancy and I already almost threw up my dinner. We were eating a bacon, scrambled egg, cheese, onion, jalapeno breakfast burrito. Towards the end of my meal, I tossed the rest of the burrito on my plate, had a quick body shiver/spasm/freak out moment, chugged my milk, and focused on holding in the meal. Watching Bill & Miss A eat the rest of their dinner was not flying over so well... I had to get up. I ate a plum, which helped get the nasty flavor out of my mouth.
HELLO?? WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED? I. like. breakfast. burritos.
Food aversion? Or just sudden pregnancy nausea? It took me almost two hours to recover... Thank goodness I didn't throw up. That would be GROSS. If I think about the meal, (which I won't) the nausea will come back. Blahhh!
I'm going to assume it was the bacon... Or maybe it was the egg... Or a combination of it? *sigh*
Anyways, I'm still determined that was just a one time event. I'm not going to be nauseous this pregnancy. No, not me! Neverrrrrrrr!
Sunday, July 22, 2012: Hopping Back on that Emotional Roller Coaster
I am not looking forward to this hormonal, emotional roller coaster for the next eight months of pregnancy plus the year after. It is going to be a long, uncontrollable ride. I have huge mood swings when it comes to PMS and pregnancy. It is much worse during pregnancy though. I have already experienced two days of extreme anger, where I hated everything and everyone. Basically my normal minor complaints about this or that amplified X100 and I go over the edge. When I feel like this, I know I am being irrational but I can't help it. Everything inside hurts so bad emotionally.
Just because the feelings are hormonal, does not mean they are not real. They feel real. It hurts and I hate it. It is not fair that women become victims to their hormones. We experience feelings that are so real, yet they are only blamed on hormones and therefore discredited. Women's feelings appear fake. When men have feelings, it's blamed on the situation. They are not insulted because that is just what they are feeling. It's not fair.
Yesterday, I felt extremely depressed and sad with a little anger mixed in. I could have cried on command. I absolutely hate feeling like this. It sucks, especially when someone says "Oh, you are pregnant." in response to your emotional outbreak.
I'm happy to be pregnant, I just wish I didn't have to go through this emotional roller coaster again. I think the emotions are even worse after having the baby too. It took about ten, eleven months for my brain to be normal again after having Miss A. I wrote posts about having a Mom Brain that shows you what I mean. I finally feel that it is back to normal but since I am pregnant again, it's only falling back into the trap. :/
So it's looking like my emotions/mind/brain will be out of order until March 2014. (Dear Lord Help Us.)
Tuesday, July 24, 2012: My Sad List
Now that the initial excitement has worn off, I'm starting to realize the things I won't be able to do while I'm pregnant. And it sucks... Fortunately, (so far) I have only come up with a few things I can't do. Here's my sad list.
I can't...
- Drink at Weddings. During my first pregnancy, I went to three weddings of close friends and family. I wanted to drink at two of them and couldn't. Then we had our own wedding after Miss A was born. I drank at that one but only a little. I've been looking forward to these two upcoming weddings for awhile because I've never got to really enjoy a wedding reception. I was excited to drink and let go! Party it up with the bride and groom. I can still do that... but come on, I like my alcohol at big celebrations like that, especially when everyone else does too.
- Go to Cedar Point. This amusement park was on my summer/fall to do list for this year. It has been quite awhile since we went. Now it'll have to move to next fall.
- Go on an Adventure or Tropical Anniversary Vacation. I will be in my third trimester of pregnancy on our anniversary, February 4. I can't be jumping off waterfalls, or taking long hiking trips through a jungle 3,000+ miles away from my doctor. That wouldn't be smart. I don't think my body will allow me to sit on a long plane ride or car ride being all big and plump either. I couldn't do a relaxing, tropical vacation either, not only because of the distance issue, but also there's no way I could pass up free cocktails at a resort.
- Drink, Drink, Drink. Did I mention I can't drink alcohol? I've heard a glass of red wine is okay on occasion... I might look into that further. However, I honestly haven't had much motivation to drink anyways. I'm only concerned for the special occasions but I suppose there will be plenty more life celebrations to go to in the future that I will be able to drink at.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012: Am I Having A Miscarriage? (again)
It would be my luck to be having a second miscarriage. I swear, if my entire family gets pregnant again (now that I might be miscarrying) LIKE LAST TIME, I will not be able to survive the loss.
Last night, I started to have light spotting which I know to be a normal occurrence during the first trimester due to implantation of the embryo. This morning I continued to have light spotting and then boom... lots of blood flow. There appears to be small blood clots mixed in too. I have been experiencing cramping too for the past four hours. To me, it feels like I am experiencing my second miscarriage. If it's anything like the first time, severe cramping will come in the next several hours.
I don't know how I feel about this quite yet. Oddly, I am kind of emotionless about it. I should have known because right before I found out I was pregnant again, I had three intense dreams about death.
- Dream #1: Miss A was kidnapped and someone was trying to do harm to her. I was looking for her in a helicopter with two other people and then we crashed. We appeared to survive the crash but when we walked back to the crash site later, we saw three tombstones with our names on it. We had been dead the entire dream.
- Dream #2: My grandma was alive again and then had died again in my dream. There were inheritance questions.
- Dream #3: Another dream involving the death of my grandma.
So now you know my secret... I am very spiritual and into new age spiritual stuff. No insults please, I'm just telling you because I am just realizing that my three death dreams + my physical symptoms could mean I'm having a miscarriage again. Who knows though... I could always be wrong. As for now... I'm just going to watch TV to get this off my mind, while I wait to see if something else happens. I have a doctor's appointment Friday and I can ask. I am only 5 weeks and 1 day pregnant... so if it is a loss, I am thankful it is extremely early in the pregnancy. :/
These are my previous entries... which lead me to my updated one today, July 29, 2012.
I definitely miscarried the day after my last entry. I saw the physical evidence of it in the toilet, which is not only emotionally disturbing but devastating, disgusting, haunting, sad, and shocking as well. I saw a red clump which was leftover pregnancy tissue. It reminded me of my first miscarriage which was the second saddest life event next to losing my grandma. My first miscarriage was around seven or eight weeks into pregnancy. That one was more painful, physically and emotionally.
Now, I'm feeling nothing in regards to my miscarriage a few days ago. I guess I'm still in shock by how fast it came and went away. I think I am bottling up emotions because of the shock of it all. Bill was sad about it, just like the first time. The only difference was that after the first miscarriage he did not want to try again for another baby and I desperately wanted to try again right away. This time, he said we could try again soon but I don't really care to try until after our anniversary in February.
July 26, 2012
July 25, 2012
Wordless Wednesday: No More Baby Bottles!
We should officially be done with this baby bottle mess!!!!!!! There were no problems with the transition from formula to milk and bottle to sippy cup. Miss A easily falls asleep without a bottle during naps and bedtime. I am so lucky.
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No more baby bottles! |
1 Year,
Wordless Wednesday
July 20, 2012
Our Visit to the Ionia Free Fare 2012
I learned a lesson... don't go to the Ionia Free Fare on the second opening day. There are not as many animals because they haven't arrived yet. I also did not see any petting zoo tents with goats, bulls, water buffaloes, kangaroos, etc like last year. I don't know if we just missed it or if it's not set up yet or if they really don't have one this year. I was pretty bummed. I wanted Miss A (and I!) to see A LOT of animals. Regardless, we still saw some and enjoyed our day at the fair.
We got our fill on carnival junk food... hand dipped corn dogs and polish sausages with french fries. Yummy! (while you're eating it at least) ;)

Here is Miss A right before we left...
I am totally jealous of these new shoes I just bought her... They are adorable!
And after an hour drive, we made it to the Ionia Free Fair!!
We saw an old Michigan state police car...
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Old Michigan State Police Car |
We got our fill on carnival junk food... hand dipped corn dogs and polish sausages with french fries. Yummy! (while you're eating it at least) ;)
Cutest pile of baby bunnies!
Baby Chicks!
Baby Ducks! One day I will raise some of these. They are the cutest things EVER!
I want a cute yellow one.
Such a friendly pig!
Shield your eyes because these pictures are so stinkin' precious! These piglets are just one day old!! Seeing them here was totally worth the hour drive alone.
Imagine having all those little babies to take care of and feed... right after delivering them all!
This is one tired mama pig. You can tell she's proud, look at that smile! ;)
Smiling Mama Pig with her Piglets |
Piglets feeding on Mama Pig <3 |
I thought these two pigs were cute, sleeping so close to one another.
Miss A petting the horse's butt! She thought the horses were funny so I think those were her favorite.
Mommy & Miss A <3
Magnificent Elephant
Lots of people... Lots of rides...
I can't wait til Miss A is old enough to ride the rides. She'll have so much fun!
YES, we had to take pictures in every sign. It's too much fun!
Mommy & Miss A
Miss A rode on Daddy's shoulders for a little bit.
One last picture of a flower on our way out.
Just to add more beauty to our lives. <3
1 Year,
Family Fun,
Miss A Photos
July 18, 2012
Wordless Wednesday: My New Camera
My step mom is letting me use her old camera, a Nikon D70. Coolest Thing Ever! Here are some shots I took this week. [Oh and don't judge too harshly photo experts, I have a LOT to learn still!]
This was a very random "wordless" wednesday but I was really excited to share some pictures. I'm so excited to finally have a nice camera to take high quality pictures for my blog and personal keepsakes!
Miss A swinging... camera lit her up in such a cool way!
Miss A's precious little hand, holding on tight!
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Blurry, but I thought Miss A's little baby hand was too cute! |
This is definitely the coolest picture I've ever taken of a tree in the sunset!
Flying Bird
Storm is Brewing
Pretty flowers that my step mom also gave to me. <3
This was a very random "wordless" wednesday but I was really excited to share some pictures. I'm so excited to finally have a nice camera to take high quality pictures for my blog and personal keepsakes!
1 Year,
Miss A Photos,
My Journal,
Wordless Wednesday
July 17, 2012
Swimming With Baby- Freaks Me Out
Miss A has been swimming a lot this summer. Splashing around... Learning to kick... etc. etc
First, she licks the water with her tongue out like a dog... Then she insists on dunking her face in until she realizes, WHOA, I CAN'T BREATHE! She holds her head up high, freaks out slightly, and then when she is okay, she does it again.
And again...
And again...
I panic. What happens if she can't breathe again? Then what? Slap her back... Try and get her to choke out the water? And if that doesn't work? CPR. I don't know how to do CPR!!
We use life jackets and baby floaties but it doesn't prevent Miss A from dipping her head in the water. I'm glad she's not scared of the water but like I said... IT FREAKS ME OUT. My fear haunts me throughout the rest of the day and night after swimming because I am so paranoid about the WHAT IFS...
So to calm my nerves, I'm going to re-watch these emergency rescue videos I posted earlier and relearn infant CPR. If there is anyone else paranoid about swimming with their baby, I recommend them to you as well!
First, she licks the water with her tongue out like a dog... Then she insists on dunking her face in until she realizes, WHOA, I CAN'T BREATHE! She holds her head up high, freaks out slightly, and then when she is okay, she does it again.
And again...
And again...
I panic. What happens if she can't breathe again? Then what? Slap her back... Try and get her to choke out the water? And if that doesn't work? CPR. I don't know how to do CPR!!
We use life jackets and baby floaties but it doesn't prevent Miss A from dipping her head in the water. I'm glad she's not scared of the water but like I said... IT FREAKS ME OUT. My fear haunts me throughout the rest of the day and night after swimming because I am so paranoid about the WHAT IFS...
So to calm my nerves, I'm going to re-watch these emergency rescue videos I posted earlier and relearn infant CPR. If there is anyone else paranoid about swimming with their baby, I recommend them to you as well!
11 months,
9-11 months,
Health and Safety,
Miss A Photos
July 16, 2012
5 Naughty Behaviors of My One Year Old
For the most part my one year old daughter isn't too much trouble (yet!) but she does have some annoying behaviors she insists upon doing all. the. time! And boy do I get pissed off every time she does them... She intentionally does these things just because she wants to... and because she knows it is naughty and is trying to make me lose my mind! (Little brat :P )
Naughty Behavior #1: Opens Shower Door While I'm Showering
How ever will I survive???? It could always be worse I guess! At least she doesn't suck on cords, pull out the DVDs, or bang her head on the floor yet.
Can anyone relate to my experiences??? :)
In our master bathroom we have a stand up shower with a glass door that Miss A insists upon opening and closing all the time. She likes to play in the wet shower. That's not so annoying. What IS annoying is that I never get to take a peaceful shower. She insists upon opening the shower door while I'm inside... which gets water all over the floor, which makes me cold, which makes me say NO firmly, which makes Miss A cry and scream and flail her arms... This repeats over and over until my shower is done.Naughty Behavior #2: "Helps" With Dishwasher
Every time I empty the dishwasher, Miss A grabs for the silverware and sucks on them. She reaches for the sharp knives, the hard plastic straws, and she'll even take out the silverware holder and place it on the floor. I always put away the sharp knives first but man, she is fast! Sometimes she takes out the silverware and hands them to me. I tell her Thank You and explain that I have to put away the clean dishes... like she understands. She cries and wants the silverware back. It's a nightmare putting away dishes.Naughty Behavior #3: Pours Water Out of Tub
Every single bath, Miss A has to pour the water out of the tub using her big cup I use to rinse her off. I try to hide it from her but I usually leave it in the water after pouring it all over her. She is too fast and usually ends up pouring a full (large!) cup of water all over the bathroom floor. Fun times. She also throws all of her bath toys out of the tub too... I should just get rid of her bath toys. Hmmm...Naughty Behavior #4: Hits My Computer/Keyboard
When I'm on my computer, Miss A comes up to me, looks at me with an evil blank face, and while still maintaining eye contact, she slaps my keyboard. She totally knows what she is doing and that I don't like it. Then she continuously hits the keyboard over and over causing my computer to go into chaos mode and do a whole bunch of weird things that I can't undo!Naughty Behavior #5: High Pitch Scream in Car Seat
Exactly as your read. She screams in a really loud high pitch scream for no real reason in her car seat on car rides. This is a new behavior that she recently started that I HATE. Oh my goodness child... Of course the scream has to be high pitch. Of course the only solution is to take her out of her car seat which is impossible because we need to go somewhere.
How ever will I survive???? It could always be worse I guess! At least she doesn't suck on cords, pull out the DVDs, or bang her head on the floor yet.
Can anyone relate to my experiences??? :)
1 Year,
My Journal
Best Children's Books for One Year Olds
We love Touch and Feel books! These books have pages filled with bumpy reptile-like skin, silky bows and clothing, shiny mirrors, furry dogs, felt, ribbons, and more. These are definitely my recommendation for the best children's books for one year olds and even younger babies.
They are great because not only do they offer a nice reading experience, but they keep your child entertained while reading. Let's face it, with all the new sparkly, musical, dancing toys out there, books aren't always a child's first choice.
The three children's books that we have of this sort are DK Baby's Touch and Feel Farm, Usborne Touchy-Feely books That's Not My Dolly, and DwellStudio Touch and Feel Zoo. Let me tell you again how awesome they are... THEY ARE AWESOME!!
Miss A likes to feel every page, whether or not there is animal fur or some soft material to feel or not. She loves it. It's really cute to watch her little fingers reach for the page every time I turn it to feel the ducky or penguin skin.
Reading with your baby is so much fun when they sit on your lap and follow along the whole time! It's a good experience for all. :)
They are great because not only do they offer a nice reading experience, but they keep your child entertained while reading. Let's face it, with all the new sparkly, musical, dancing toys out there, books aren't always a child's first choice.
The three children's books that we have of this sort are DK Baby's Touch and Feel Farm, Usborne Touchy-Feely books That's Not My Dolly, and DwellStudio Touch and Feel Zoo. Let me tell you again how awesome they are... THEY ARE AWESOME!!
Miss A likes to feel every page, whether or not there is animal fur or some soft material to feel or not. She loves it. It's really cute to watch her little fingers reach for the page every time I turn it to feel the ducky or penguin skin.
Reading with your baby is so much fun when they sit on your lap and follow along the whole time! It's a good experience for all. :)
1 Year,
Advice for Mommy,
Product Review
July 14, 2012
A Unique Birthday Gift Idea
A couple days before Miss A's birthday, she received a small package in the mail. It was a birthday gift from a very caring friend Cathleen. We opened to find a small bag of Oxalis Regnelli, aka Lucky Shamrock bulbs.
The message said,
We will definitely be planting these soon in a cute little pot on the window sill above the kitchen sink. Perfect place to show off how lucky we are to have such a healthy, precious, happy little daughter in our lives. I honestly have a difficult time imagining my life before she was born. When I can picture how "fun and free" it was, I don't like my life as much as I remember. She has definitely added some significant charm and treasure to our lives.
We love you Miss A! <3
Thank you Cathleen once again for the wonderful birthday gift for Miss A's one year celebration. For those interested in a broad range of inspiring life topics and some strong, intelligent opinions, Cathleen is a passionate writer that blogs HeRe. She is someone that inspires me to be a better person, so I think you could learn at least a little from what she has to say. :]
The message said,
Happy 1st Birthday, Miss A! I hope you know how much charm you have brought to this world. Have Mommy and Daddy plant these shamrocks to bless you and bring you the treasures you brought them. XO CathleenThis is such a unique birthday gift idea!
We will definitely be planting these soon in a cute little pot on the window sill above the kitchen sink. Perfect place to show off how lucky we are to have such a healthy, precious, happy little daughter in our lives. I honestly have a difficult time imagining my life before she was born. When I can picture how "fun and free" it was, I don't like my life as much as I remember. She has definitely added some significant charm and treasure to our lives.
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Lucky Shamrock |
We love you Miss A! <3
Thank you Cathleen once again for the wonderful birthday gift for Miss A's one year celebration. For those interested in a broad range of inspiring life topics and some strong, intelligent opinions, Cathleen is a passionate writer that blogs HeRe. She is someone that inspires me to be a better person, so I think you could learn at least a little from what she has to say. :]
1 Year,
Advice for Mommy
July 13, 2012
Miss A's First Birthday Party
My precious little girl's first birthday has already come and passed. :( I am shocked by how fast our first year together has flown by. She is no longer a tiny little newborn but a rambunctious, walking, babbling, little cutie monster girl!
I really enjoyed planning her birthday party! I'm definitely looking forward to planning many more parties for her. Time can slow down though, so we can enjoy our time together before she moves out. [Woah.. thinking way far ahead!] All in all, I'd say her party was a great success. I decided on throwing a PINK themed birthday party and invited only our immediate families and grandparents. It was a lot of fun preparing the food, drinks, and decorations. She seemed to have a lot of fun opening presents, being around family, and definitely eating cake and ice cream!
Thank you everyone for the presents! She has been having so much fun playing with all of her new toys! :) Anndd she has been playing with her doggy without fear and crying. She has actually turned into a little dancer. She dances with her doggy and all of her musical toys! :)
I really enjoyed planning her birthday party! I'm definitely looking forward to planning many more parties for her. Time can slow down though, so we can enjoy our time together before she moves out. [Woah.. thinking way far ahead!] All in all, I'd say her party was a great success. I decided on throwing a PINK themed birthday party and invited only our immediate families and grandparents. It was a lot of fun preparing the food, drinks, and decorations. She seemed to have a lot of fun opening presents, being around family, and definitely eating cake and ice cream!
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First Birthday Cake! Girly Chocolate Cake w/ Hot Pink Frosting! |
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Birthday Girl! 1 Year Old! |
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Birthday Party Wear- Cool Pink Sparkly Glasses (upside down! hehe) |
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Birthday Girl-- So pretty with her pink flowered lei :) |
It's Cake Time!!!! This is her first piece of cake. I think it was the highlight of her night! :) Yummm!
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Baby Eating First Birthday Cake! |
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Messy Baby Hand Covered in Frosting and Cake! |
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Messy Baby with Cake and Blue Moon Ice Cream Face! |
Time for Birthday Presents!!
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Laugh & Play Cookie Shape Surprise! So much fun! |
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Mommy & Birthday Girl <3 |
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Mommy, Great Grandpa & Grandma Nicklas, & Birthday Girl <3 |
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Pretty Little Girlies- Cousin A & Birthday Girl <3 |
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Birthday Girl with her Birthday Hat! |
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Playing with her new flip phone! |
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Opening presents with Mommy & Daddy <3 CUTE Lil' Jeans & Bubbles! |
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BIG Girl Opening Her Presents! What is it?? |
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So many NEW toys!! Look at her new dance & play DOGGY! |
Thank you everyone for the presents! She has been having so much fun playing with all of her new toys! :) Anndd she has been playing with her doggy without fear and crying. She has actually turned into a little dancer. She dances with her doggy and all of her musical toys! :)
1 Year,
Family Fun,
Miss A Photos
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