September 19, 2013

Karma Found Its Way Into My Kitchen!

I am writing to declare an official apology to my dear husband who completely failed when baking chocolate chip cookies. I dedicated an entire blog post to his failure. (You can read my shameful post here!) ;)
"I feel that I am a terrible wife for trying to humiliate you when all you wanted to do was bake some cookies for our family's late night snack. I am sorry. It was very cruel of me to laugh when you made the cookie batter incorrectly. I am sorry. It was very disrespectful to laugh even harder when you tried to microwave the cookie batter without melting the chocolate chips. I am sorry. I really should have paid attention to your feelings. It should have never even popped in my mind to post loudly about your utter shame and disregard for reading recipe directions. I am sorry. My dear husband, I  love you very much. Next time you want to bake cookies, I will be there to support you. I will eat those cookies even if they turn out burnt to a crisp! Again, I am truly sorry." 
Today, Karma found its way into my kitchen! I was experimenting with zucchini and decided to make zucchini fries for the first time. I found a simple recipe online and ended up NOT following the directions. In order to bread zucchini (or anything really), you need to dip it into a liquid and roll it in a bread crumb mixture. To make a long story short, I simply combined all the ingredients in the list (JUST LIKE MY HUSBAND DID) and ruined my recipe. I ended up having to sprinkle the bread-dough mixture all over the zucchini. 

It looked like this. (Not exactly breaded zucchini fries...) 

Here is my advice to everyone with a spouse. Even if your spouse does something entirely idiotic, do not post about him all over the internet with the goal of humiliation. Karma will come back to bite you in the butt! You will probably make the same exact mistake in the near future. 


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xx Monica xx

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