Showing posts with label Family Meals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family Meals. Show all posts

March 19, 2014

5 Campbell's Heart Healthy Recipes

What do you do to keep your family heart healthy?

My family experiments with a wide variety of Superfoods such as avocados, berries, broccoli, quinoa, leafy greens, olive oil, and yogurt. One of our frequently made night time snacks is homemade guacamole. I also like to toss up some quinoa and spinach salads adding in random vegetables and spices each time for variety. We enjoy creating our own versions of restaurant and store made dishes to keep our meals healthy and tasty. Many superfoods are packed with monosaturated fats and low levels of saturated fats to keep your heart healthy and reduce the risk of heart disease. I am currently trying to incorporate more well, rounded healthy meals into our family's eating routines. We want to live long and prosperous! :)

In honor of Campbell's Address Your Heart campaign, I am sharing my five favorite Campbell's recipes certified by the American Heart Association. It is no longer necessary to just eat a quick can of soup if you want something delicious. Campbell's makes it easy to prepare fancy meals on a time and money budget.

Creamy Chicken and Vegetables over Spaghetti Squash

Creamy Turkey and Vegetable Lasagna
Pizza Primavera with Cauliflower Crust (Coolest recipe yet!!!)
Pork Medallions with Spinach and Barley
Slow-Cooked Chicken and Butternut Squash

Click on Coupons and Special Offers to help cut the costs when preparing the recipes above!

*This post is sponsored by Campbell Soup Company.

March 17, 2014

Corned Beef Brisket Dinner to Celebrate St. Patrick's Day

I accidentally planned an Irish meal on St. Patrick's Day. Seriously. I bought a corned beef brisket at the store a few days ago thinking, "Hmm... I used to like corned beef, I wonder if I still do". I didn't get around to cooking it this past weekend because it requires 3-4 hours to cook and I procrastinated. I told myself I would cook it on Monday (today), not realizing it was St. Patrick's Day... 

It all came together this morning and I was stoked to be celebrating this normally drunken holiday in a more mature fashion! I cooked the meat with potatoes and cabbage for the side dishes to really add to the Irish spirit. All in all, I feel really excited to be celebrating this holiday, even though I originally was planning to watch it pass by! Oh, how I live for the little things in life. 

*** later***

I thoroughly enjoyed eating this meal even though it looks like a cow was pulled apart and thrown about on my plate... I did eat two large plates of this though, trying my best to eat faster than my mind thought about the dead cow... Yes, I am weird. 
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