Take a quick look at my time chart. I was so amazed that I even recorded my fluid intake as well.
- 6:45-9:45am- Peed 5X (The only fluids was a little bit of milk from my cereal bowl.)
- 11:00am- 1X (I drank a very small cup of coffee and juice.)
- 12:00pm- 1X (12 ounce water)
- 2:00pm- 1X
- 3:30pm- 1X (I drank another small cup of coffee and had a couple sips of water.)
- 4:30pm- 1X
- 5:00pm- 1X
- 7:30pm- 1X (8oz orange juice)
That makes a total of 12 trips to the bathroom and the current time is only 9:00pm. I will probably use the bathroom at least two more times before bed, especially since I am so thirsty right now and cannot resist drinking ice water. How crazy is this?! I don't know what made today so different but usually I don't have to use the bathroom this much.
This happened during my first trimester but then the feeling faded after a couple of weeks. I am worried that this will be my new third trimester bathroom schedule. I really can't afford this to be my new routine because I just started back to work for the next 4-5 weeks. I would end up being that pregnant woman who is constantly getting up and going to the bathroom every five seconds. It would just be hilarious because I am the team leader in a large school-like work setting. It would be funny stuff.
Side note: Washing your hands every hour is great for hygiene purposes but awful because it dries your skin out. That is a hidden downside of this frequent urination pregnancy issue!
So, for the dry hands thing? The Body Shop sells this hemp body cream that is AMAZING. Holds up for me, even at PG where I wash my hands... ya know... Well. You know, actually. ;) It's pricey, and smells very earthy, but leaves me really soft. Check it out.